Tuesday 8 September 2009

Himegami is real D:


situs www.himegami.com diupdate dan hasilnya.

..........ada update berupa gambar baru dan prolog D:

prolog,diterjemahkan seseorang dari shoujoai.com


distant zero:

under the shine of the full moon two people meet face to face
if you were to describe it, one holding a sword bore with her the likeness of a celestial from heaven
the other possessing the humble pressence of mother earth
though it may seem like polar opposites these two are part of a same existence
born under the same hour, born under the same day, born with the same divine mark or their bodies
and on their 15th birthday each will depart their hometown. all of this is ordained.

the one bearing the sword thrust her sword at the maiden of earth. In so, she tore apart the piece of clothing hiding the divine mark
"as I thought, you bear the seal of mikamiko"
"..." the other remained silent

I too bear the mark of mikamiko. I am your other half.
"I will not not permit anyone of this earth to harm you.... because it is I who will kill you. I swear this in the divine name of mikamiko"
There was no hint of malice from the girl holding the sword. She said that as if it was usual everyday occurance.

Likewise, there was no hint of fear from the maiden of earth.
"I see...I have no problems with that"

"...?" The one bearing the sword became intrigued

"but in return I ask one thing from you'
"Oh? this is interesting please tell me your wish"

dilihat dari prolognya kok malah seperti kannazuki lagi yah...^^;; bad end sepertinya menanti---dan yang paling penting di gambar itu siapa cowok pake topeng mirip Lelouch itu yah -_-

Terlepas dari itu semua , 'Chikane' yang baru kelihatan sangat...MEMPESONA!!!!

mari kita lihat apakah joke 'april mop' ini akan terjadi sungguhan atau hanya troll?

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